Thursday, July 25, 2013

This is for Max...

MAX was unjustly and brutally shot 4 times on June 30th, 2013 by a Hawthorne (LA) police officer named Jeffrey Salmon...
Lets make his life count, and lets make some difference so that this never happens again...
Rest in peace, Max...
We love you...


  1. nem tenho palavras para descrever a revolta que sinto.Já tive uma cachorra roubada e vitima de crueldade.A causa em prol dos animais de outras espécies é de todos nós que os amamos e que conheçemos os anjos que os cães são.A causa é global.

  2. I am so angry over this still. Salmon is a bully and a punk.
    The overwhelming support he has from his fellow pigs has made me distrust LE more.
    I lurk on the forum and reading the comments is quite disgusting. It's amazing and eyeopening what they will say under their usernames. They defend nearly ever incident of brutality, no matter how egregious.

    There are a few, a very few regular commentators that are sane over there, who are routinely accused of being trolls and non LEO.
    A couple of them have said )paraphrasing here: "another black eye for LE. We are our own worst enemy. This is why the public is being to hate us, both conservatives and liberals, and they are ready to start a WAR with us.
    Sad no? The truly decent Peace Officers who want to blow the whistle will literally receive threats of violence, vandalism of their vehicle, and risk their lives when their fellow officers don't respond or respond too slowly when they call for back up.
    Thank you for your work on this site ( a trooper in NJ did blow the whistle on his officers to break up their gang called the Lords of Disiple. He went through all of the above. He is out now, and wrote a book about it. He couldn't live with himself if he didn't speak up.

    1. It's so discouraging sometimes, knowing that this is the world we live in... But hopefully, by creating more awareness and speaking up, we can slowly make it better and make sure that people like Salmon suffer consequences for their actions...
      It's so shocking that they never even apologized to Mr. Rosby or expressed any sort of sympathy...
      And thank you so much for your comment... I really appreciate everyone who took their time to read these pages... This story has touched me very deeply and left a big scar on my heart... I know this sounds crazy, but I actually have a picture of Max framed and I very often silently apologize to him for the way his life had to end, and for the fact that sub-humans like Salmon exist...
